What You Can Miss from Diastema?


Perfect smile is what most of us wanted to have. After all, this is among the priceless assets anyone can have. But just like what we most like, perfect smile requires extensive effort. Achieving this requires dental care and good oral hygiene.

When we exercise dental care, we give our teeth its fair share of recognition. Dental care is the infamous preventive technique used to fight the risks of dental problems that could lead to tooth loss. Tooth loss is a condition wherein you lose your teeth forever. Unless you apply dental restorative treatments, you can get your teeth back, only through artificial form. Even so, nothing beats natural teeth.

Despite how dentists strive hard to promote dental care, not all people follow the appropriate dental care routines. Majority of those who practice dental neglect suffer from tooth loss. The condition creates gap problems that can shift teeth into inappropriate places. Gap problems affect almost 97% of kids. While some kids acquire this genetically, others get this due to poor oral hygiene. Popularly known as diastema, gaps are rampant these days especially to kids. There are different factors of getting gaps. If you acquire this as part of your development, expect this problem to disappear before or soon after the adult teeth’s eruption. However, when gaps still show up even after eruption, this becomes a permanent burden.

Diastema exists due to a number of reasons. The number one cause is when the size of your jaw and your teeth doesn’t coincide. People with gap problems usually come with correct size of the jaw but with small teeth. When jaw is large enough for your teeth, gaps accumulate. Tooth loss or missing teeth problems also are factors of diastema. The condition happens when your teeth experience severe dental problems which necessitate dentists to conduct extraction of tooth. Bad oral habits also are main contributors of diastema. Kids who practice thumb-sucking excessively most likely develop gaps. Thumb-sucking produces pressure to your teeth which forces them to move or shift and create gaps. Regardless of what causes your gap problems, the great news is you can overcome this problem through seeking an emergency dental help.

Orthodontic dental treatments are the most efficient treatment against this. The commonest remedy is dental brace. Dental braces involve brackets, rubber bands and arch wires that help you shift teeth to its perfect places. The materials used produce force that could correct your bite and align your teeth. Other forms of treatments against it are cosmetic dental treatments. From dental veneers to dental bonding, you can combat diastema. Dental bridge and implants also are available to solve gaps. You can make use of this when your gap problem is a result of missing tooth problem. When all these treatments don’t work well to you, dental surgery seems the last resort.

Whatever reasons you have, dental care should always be on the priority list. Diastema is a serious condition which requires professional care. To avoid gap problems, consult a dentist today.