Author Archives: alona

Facts & Treatments of TMJ Disorder


Almost 10 million Americans nowadays have TMJ disorder. Otherwise known as popping or clicking of jaw every time you open them, temporomandibular joint syndrome is a condition that has no exact cause of existing. While dentists considered stress as the primary reason, TMJ remains a big question to health experts.

Even though there’s no definite cause of TMJ syndrome, there are several therapies you can count on when treating this.

Temporomandibular joint syndrome is a complex difficulty. Besides causing annoying sounds whenever you open your mouth, this can induce a myriad of issues to your oral and overall health. Several adverse reactions of TMJ disorder are facial muscle pain, aching jaw joints, facial nerves and tissues. Besides stress, there are different factors associated with TMJ disorder. According dental professionals, temporomandibular joint disorder takes place when you suffer from teeth grinding or bruxism, bite problems, like malocclusion and hormonal fluctuations in women.

While the root causes of TMJ are still a big question, you can still rely on TMJ specialist. There are dentists who work hard to provide the needs of those who suffer from TMJ disorder. These TMJ dentists can create a personalized treatment plan that can help you and oral health overcome the undesirable effects of TMJ. Individuals with TMJ cases can look through the following therapies. These therapies marked as among the most in-demand therapy for tempormandibular joint syndrome.

Prescribed medications like pain relievers can alleviate you from experiencing the awful effects of TMJ. Although this can only temporarily stop the pain but these medications play a vital role in relaxing your jaw joints. Besides stopping pain, pain medications can reduce dental anxiety levels.

Restorative dental treatments like dental implants, dentures and bridge can solve TMJ. The primary reason is to prevent gaps from transpiring. As we all know, gaps can cause shifting of teeth which can lead to irregular bite. Bite problems have strong relation with TMJ as expressed above.

Orthodontic dental braces are the commonest and most popular treatment for TMJ. Besides fighting the risks of TMJ, this can address bite problems, such as overbite, underbite, crossbite and overcrowded teeth. If you’re not comfortable with orthodontic devices, you can resort with mouth guard. This alternative is the perfect choice for those who prefer removing their devices every time they eat their meal or brush their teeth.

Oral surgery is for those with severe TMJ disorder. TMJ specialists identified this therapy as the last option for individuals with temporomandibular joint disorder. Severe cases of TMJ get resolved through this surgical repair particularly those who already lost their jaw bones. Oral surgery allows your after hours emergency dentist to go over your bones and tissues to correct severe TMJ syndrome.

Temporomandibular joint syndrome is a complex disorder. However, you can prevent this through self-care dental therapies. You can do this through eating soft foods and prevent habits that can strain your jaw. Dental care also helps fight TMJ. Any TMJ specialist can help you educate the bits of info of dental care and good oral hygiene.

The Core Benefits of Healthy Smile


Smile is a form of communication. It is your way of expressing yourself and showcasing your confidence to the public. Regardless of one’s language or culture, healthy smile has its way to connect with other.

When you have perfect smile, you acquire an asset any person can’t take. Health experts prove this quality as something that can improve your lifestyle, happiness level and lifespan! Studies show, individuals who love to smile overcome fear, stress and failures. The benefits carried by this simple and personal asset brings out your best behavior. Besides maximizing self-confidence, this helps promote career advancement.

With healthy smile’s vital functions and roles in life, it is very important to maintain it. When you maintain perfect smile, you retain healthy set of teeth.

Dental problems are around the corner. It can affect your oral health, including your capability to produce and feature a good smile. Dental issues, such as discoloration and tooth loss are the living examples of that. To overcome these difficulties, contacting your dentist is a wise decision. Your personal dentist can provide you dental treatment plan to sustain and retain your healthy teeth and perfect smile.

Dental professionals work to provide and resolve your dental-related concerns. Regardless if you visit them to maintain your smile or you consult them to achieve one, regular dental visits play an essential role to all of us. Based on analysis, individuals who love to see their dentists attain healthy oral health. Not to mention, they carry beautiful smile and well-improved overall health. Dentists offer hundreds of dental methods to support wholesome health and smile. Among the most influential methods are dental care and good oral hygiene. These two preventive techniques allow you to understand preventive care’s importance. Preventive dentistry proves you all dental problems are preventable. Dental care and good oral hygiene involves a series of dental techniques that you can do and perform inside your dentist’s clinic and in your home.

When you failed to prevent the issues that destroy your smile, don’t fret. Dentists can provide you list of restorative dental treatments. From dental braces, dental veneers, bridge, inlays and onlays, sure you can restore your natural smile. Of course, be sure you work with a credible dental specialist. Credible dentists function to provide emergency dental service.

Smile, though it comes in a natural scenario, really provides several benefits. Besides boosting your self-esteem, this asset becomes a natural reminder that you need to always consider your oral health. Smile doesn’t just showcase your teeth to others, but to your own self, too. It lets you comprehend the recent status of your teeth, gums and entire oral health. If you have stained teeth, this gives you hunch to visit your nearest dental expert.

Whether or not you have healthy smile, always attend your regular dental visits. Dentists help you achieve your most desired smile. Not to mention, they provide you helpful hints on how to maintain it through the use of dental care treatments, like good oral hygiene.

After all, smile is the only contagious disease you’ll love to get.

Dental Remedies for Swollen Gums


Gums need care, too. This reminder is among the common things neglected by most of us nowadays since we all consider our teeth’s health alone. After all, having healthy teeth is what we all care most today. Nevertheless, it pays to consider the gums, too. Most especially if you don’t want to experience the potential risks of periodontal disease. The condition triggers a number of warning symptoms, including swollen gums.

Swollen or reddening of gums isn’t something you overlook. Most probably now that most dental professionals acknowledged this as the top indicator of periodontal disorder or gum disease. After hours emergency dentist can help you with that.

As outlined by research, swollen gums can be something else. It could be a wake-up call especially if it starts to bulge, protrude and bleed. You can identify this if the gums near your teeth have triangular-shaped bits. Once left untreated, the swelling doubles, completely blocking the neighboring teeth. You let this happen; you become a subject of gum disease. Worry no more though. It is because having red swollen gums is treatable. As your dentist treats your condition, he will educate you about the root causes of this problem.

Swollen gums mean having gum disease. Although it could mean other things, but most probably having sore gums indicate the mildest form of gum disease, gingivitis. Early detection of gum disease implies higher chances of recovery. In this stage, your dentist can perform dental cleanings. The purpose is to eliminate the very reason of swollen gums and that is the build-up of dental plaques. As we all know, dental plaques are sticky films made up of bacteria. If left ignored, the films turned into hard deposits known as dental tartars. Unlike dental plaques, tartars aren’t easy to take away especially if you have swollen gums accompanied with sensitivity, bad breath and tenderness.

Fighting swollen gums become easier if you learn the things that cause it. Besides dental plaque build-up, swollen gums take place due to viral or fungal infection, poor nutrition, ill-fitting dental restorations and hormonal changes. Other factors that cause red swollen gums are medications and existing medical conditions, like diabetes, heart disease and scurvy.

While you contemplate the countless things associated with swollen gums, assured that you’ve got countless dental remedies you can rely on. When you’re at the early stage of swollen gums, regular dental cleanings can suffice your need. This allows your dentist to remove the hard deposits found in your teeth. If needed, your dentists may perform additional procedures. Apart from dental cleanings, you might undergo scaling and root planing procedure, a typical treatment used to reverse the adverse effects of periodontal disease. Along with dental cleanings, treating swollen gums involves the use of healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and good oral hygiene. If worked together, this can keep your gums back into its perfect shape!

Regardless if you have swollen gums, dental care and regular consultations with your dentist remain vital. These methods don’t just maintain your oral health wholesome. This helps you educate and comprehend how excellent oral health can contribute to a healthier body.

The Two Types of Local Anesthetic


When you have your first appointment, there are lots of things you’ll learn. One is the need for local anesthetic. This paralytic drug allows you to fight pain especially when you undergo a complex dental procedure.

Local anesthesia is the most popular anti-pain tool. Those who opt for this pain-free agent aim to achieve a comfortable procedure regardless of what treatment they need. Basically, local anesthesia makes you numb for a short period. Unlike other anesthetics with higher dosage, this doesn’t make you fall asleep. It will make you alert and conscious but groggy. Your consciousness is enough for you to respond well with your dentist.

First timers who are less aware of local anesthesia may look over the following details. Below are the things you need to learn about local anesthesia, including its two types.

Topical Anesthetics addresses pain on the surface area. Individuals can make use of this tool inside their dentist’s clinic or at home. Topical anesthesia can be beneficial for lighter type of problems. Those with canker sores can consider this alongside with a swab to make the affected area numb for several minutes or hours.

Injectable Local Anesthetics prevent you from experiencing pain through blocking the nerves that sense it. Its most common type is lidocaine. Unlike the first type, it has more perks as it works and numbs better. Moreover, injectable local anesthesia has lesser adverse effects. Its numbness also last longer compared to the previous type of local anesthetic.

Local anesthesia comes with a pre- and post-treatment procedure. Before you receive this, your dentist should ensure that the affected area is dry. Usually, he keeps the area dry through air or cotton. In most cases, topical and injectable local anesthetics are both used. Dentists will apply the topical local anesthetic first before he slowly injects the second type. First timers should expect a slight sting. This is not because of the needle. This is due to the liquid’s pressure in the needle that enters your tissues. Nevertheless, the sting goes away few seconds after it.

Once you get the shot, your dentist will wait for the drug to take effect. Once he ensures the numbness took place, he will proceed with the treatment without any likelihood of pain or anxiety attack. Based on dentists, local anesthetics may last for hours. Therefore, expect temporary impairment of your reasoning and motor skills. Furthermore, be sure you come with a friend or family. Sedation dentists suggest you this so you will have someone who assists you throughout the treatment.

Local anesthesia has more to offer. Once you call your personal dentist’s 24 hour dental emergency hotline, you can discuss all its facts and tidbits. Or feel free to view the video below.

Tidbits of Molar Root Canal


Researchers proved how dental problems can wreak danger to your health. Aside from inducing danger to your oral health, this dilemma can trigger oral symptoms that cause general health conditions, such as heart disease and stroke.

Fortunately for us, we have dentists we can run to. These dental professionals work to provide the most appropriate dental care routines as well as teaching us how to do it. Basic dental care’s essential part is proper oral hygiene. This preventive technique involves an array of dental strategies, like brushing and flossing, which help us sustain our teeth’s strength, aesthetics and function. Good oral hygiene allows us to secure our teeth, especially those prone to cavities. For example: the molar.tidbits-of-molar-root-canal

The molar teeth serve as the largest teeth found at the back part of our mouth. We usually use this for chewing and grinding of food. And since molars promote convenience especially when eating, they are obviously prone to tooth decay and cavities.

With molars’ importance to our oral health, it pays to keep them healthy. Imagine the discomfort you will experience should you let dental caries penetrate your molars. Great news is you can consider root canal for your impacted molars. The person who performs this treatment is endodontist.

When your molars require a root canal that means you need molar root canal procedure. This dental treatment is available inside a dental office which of course, the procedure varies from one patient to another. First timers who are not aware of this procedure may learn from the following tidbits. The information you will see help you understand how a typical molar root canal works.

First step is the molar root canal preparation. This is where your dentist applies a local anesthesia to the affected area to reduce and control pain. Along with it is a rubber dam used to fight irritants. The next step involves drilling. This is where your emergency dentist San Jose CA drills a hole in your molar’s crown to remove existing cavities and open your pulp chamber. As he opens the pulp chamber, your dentist will extract every impacted pulp and dead nerves thru titanium files. And since the procedures need to identify the root’s end, he will make use of an apex locator. Apex locators locate the end part of the root and ensure no remaining bacteria within it.

To ensure no irritants are lurking, a root cleaning follows. This removes bacteria through a laser. Once your dentist ensures zero bacteria, he can proceed now with dental fillings and construction and placement of dental crowns.

Not all people are familiar with molar root canal. However, you must remember its importance to your oral health and daily routines especially during eating your meals.

Fight Gum Disorder thru Arestin


Gum disease is a very prevalent disorder especially to adults. Those who get affected with this are fond of neglecting their dental care routines and have been consistently practicing unhealthy oral habits. Excessive smoking and drinking are two of the living proofs to that.

For individuals who think it’s the end, dentists will let you see it’s not. Thanks to different gum treatments nowadays.

Periodontal disorder takes place due to a number of factors. One is due to excessive tooth decay. Tooth decay is a result of dental neglect and is very popular to youngsters and kids. This dental plaque effect doesn’t only affect your teeth’s welfare, but the gums, too. Dental plaques are popular hard deposits in your mouth caused by skipped good oral hygiene habits, such as daily brushing, dental flossing and regular dental visits. As outlined by research, dental plaques take 26 hours to buildup. Imagine its undesirable menace to your oral health if you skipped your dental obligations for just one day.

Another cause of gum disease is bad oral habits. Obviously, we all know the adverse reactions of excessive smoking and alcohol drinking to your gum health. Besides causing bad breath and stains, this factor triggers gum disorder.

Fortunately, gum disease treatments allow us to fight gum disease after refusing dental care. One of the most effective treatments is Arestin.

Arestin is a tasteless antibiotic usually applied on the pockets. Dentists usually perform this after the scaling and root planing treatment. Since Arestin contains an active ingredient, primarily minocycline, it can help minimize and eradicate the warning signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. After 21 days of taking such medication, you will finally see the result.

The primary use and function of Arestin is to clean the unhealthy remains, such as bacteria, after your dentist applies the SRP treatment. Since SRP treatment doesn’t guarantee of removing the entire bacteria, Arestin will do such honor. Among the bacteria removed by Arestin are those that live within the periodontal pockets. In other words, Arestin provides extra care and protection against periodontal disease. If your emergency dental location in San Jose CA suggests this medication after SRP, fret no more about the remaining bacteria. Arestin will sweep those out of your gums! Aside from aiding you with your infected periodontal pockets, Arestin enhances your healing process. No wonder why after days of taking this treatment, your gums heal.

People who end up with periodontal disease no longer need to worry about gum disease. Arestin will help you with that. If you want to learn more of this treatment, you can consult a periodontist. Periodontists are dental experts who specialize in preventing, treating and resolving gum disease.

To learn what’s behind Arestin treatment, schedule a dental appointment now.

Enhance Gum Health Using Gingivectomy

Gum disease is a serious gum infection caused by dental neglect. Those who don’t like to experience inflammation and bleeding of gums should start doing their dental obligations, like daily brushing and flossing and stop practicing bad oral habits. However, everything seems too late to some, especially if they’re already suffering from it.

The great news is you can fight and eradicate this prevalent dilemma now! Meet one of gum disease treatment’s finest therapy gingivectomy.

Gingivectomy is an infamous surgical gum disease treatment. It can reduce periodontal pockets and slow down gum disease’s progression through removing all the infected gum tissues. Since gingivectomy is an oral surgery, you can consult from two different dental experts. Gingivectomy becomes feasible when performed by an oral surgeon or periodontist. Regardless, you can attain the success of this treatment if you work any of these two dental specialists.

Before your periodontist or oral surgeon performs gingivectomy, a scaling and root planing gets done first. The SRP or scaling and root planing treatment procedure are a process wherein your dentist eliminates bacteria and tartar associated with gum disease. This process usually caters bacteria and tartars located below your gums. In the past years, scaling and root planing offer invasive procedures. This is because your dentist utilizes a scalpel in removing gum tissues. All thanks to modern dentistry. Periodontists can remove all these through the use of laser gingivectomy.

Laser gingivectomy features non-invasive treatments. Unlike the traditional way of delivering this treatment, using laser can remove and minimize bleeding of gums. Plus it can improve your healing time process. The running time needed for gingivectomy usually based on your condition. Only your periodontist or oral surgeon can tell how long this lasts. However, studies show this can last for an hour.

When you consider a gingivectomy treatment, there are several things you can expect. Though this comes with an advanced process, you still might experience mild discomforts especially during the first day. You may also encounter bleeding gums. But this is only temporary. To lessen any of these effects, you may consider antibiotics provided by your periodontist and dental care, too. Antibiotics are effective in eliminating infections especially after an oral surgery.

Since gingivectomy comes with innovations, the price maybe expensive compared to traditional. The price rate of this treatment also depends on your condition. If you require larger amount of gum tissues to remove, gingivectomy price may also increase. But fret no more because you can reduce this amount through a dental insurance.

If you suffer from gum disease and reading this, it’s great to know you can overcome it now. Simply contact your emergency dentist in San Jose. He will give you several gum disease treatments, including gingivectomy.

Promote Teeth Whiteness thru Prophylaxis

Dental cleaning seems to be a mainstream now. Others find it necessary for the sake of their teeth and entire oral health. We all know this method promotes healthy teeth and beautiful smile despite its cost.

Apparently, not all of us know about this procedure. Not all people are aware of its healthy effects to your teeth and its function on removing deposits and preventing dental difficulties, such as cavities and gum disease. As a result, many of us today have problems with teeth and oral health.


Based on analysis, dental cleaning is the simplest procedure of removing the potential risks of dental problems. Besides brushing and flossing, the method marks the most cost-effective solution against dental plaques, food debris and oral symptoms that cause severe dental damages. While we call this dental cleaning, professional dentists refer this as prophylaxis. Prophylaxis belongs to professional care which you need to do twice annually. The term prophylaxis means preventive measure. It is part of your regular checkups. Consequently, it protects your teeth from dental tartar and helps monitor your teeth despite your daily routines involving brushing and dental flossing.

As outlined by research, prophylaxis comes with several processes. The first procedure involves an x-ray in which your dental hygienist or dentist will look through your entire oral health to find warning signs of dental problems. Once he detects a tooth decay after the oral examination, your dentist will remove the deposits using scaling and root planing. An ultrasonic dental cleaning may also be necessary should your cavities are severe and difficult to remove even after you brush or floss your teeth.

Prophylaxis doesn’t just promote gleaming smile. It helps you maintain healthy oral health and also prevent gum disease threats! Since dental cleaning process uses special tools, you can fight all mouth deposits that can cause a myriad of dental problems, like cavities and gum disease.

First timers also find prophylaxis as tool for enhancing dental awareness. Since your dentist or dental hygienist will discuss vital details of this treatment, you will learn a lot! Furthermore, dental cleaning improves your teeth’s aesthetic. Through the use of several tools and devices, your teeth will encounter drastic transformation! There are also who consider this treatment for health purposes. Since prophylaxis requires a thorough oral examination, you can ensure your teeth aren’t just prone to cavities, but to severe dental problems, too, like mouth cancer. We are all aware about mouth’s connection to your body. Once you’re put up with oral cancer, your overall health is in grave danger.

Prophylaxis truly is a blessing to us. However, avoid using this as your substitution to good oral hygiene practices. Still, don’t forget to practice at-home care. Especially kids, do bear in mind the great importance of daily brushing and flossing of teeth.

To learn more about prophylaxis, find a dentist in San Jose California. Your dentist will give you detailed information about the ways of improving oral health, like engaging with prophylaxis.

Dental Health Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings

Dental care plays a vital role in our health. Aside from contributing health benefits to our teeth, this undertaking improves your overall health, as well. Considering the connection between the two (mouth and body), we already know

Regardless of how we advocate good oral hygiene and dental care, others find it difficult to perform it. This resulted to various oral symptoms, causing havoc to your teeth and body. Great news is you can resolve all these thru your dentist. Dentists are dental experts who specialize in preventing, solving and fighting different dental problems, such as cavities, dental abscess, gum disease and the likes.

As you complete your dental treatment plan, it pays to learn that your obligation doesn’t end there. You still need to maintain your oral health in great shape. One way to maintain your teeth’s welfare is to attend the twice-a-year professional dental cleanings.

Professional dental cleaning or also called as prophylaxis is a twice a year dental obligation. This basic method removes hard deposits and other culprits that can form dental plaques and stains in your teeth. Through thorough scaling, your teeth remain shine, glossy and free from local irritants. Prophylaxis also involves a series of tests, like x-rays, to locate hidden cavities. The full set of x-rays during your consultation will allow you to prevent any diseases especially cavities from spreading. This is very helpful in ensuring your teeth have no signs of dental caries.

Since dental x-rays enable your dentist to find warning signs of tooth decay, he can immediately sort out a dental plan exclusively for you. You personalized treatment involves correcting and preventing dental problems. Of course, it will depend on your condition.

Professional dental cleaning is part of preventive measure. Therefore, during this phase, your dentist can locate or spot any types of dental problems, including oral cancer and gum disease. Early treatment of these two can help you prevent tooth loss. Not to mention, this helps you prevent the oral symptoms that could endanger your entire body. Individuals who give their fair share of considering their dental health can prevent several general health conditions caused by oral symptoms. Several health conditions caused by these are heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer and stroke.

Imagine how dental cleanings and its associated procedures can help you. Without this, your oral health could be in danger without you even noticing! And whilst you decide to take this matter seriously, everything’s too late!

Prophylaxis isn’t just about preventing bad breath and other irritants. It also helps you prevent other dental problems that can cause permanent damage to your oral health and body. With this, it’s always sensible to attend your dental cleanings. Most patients tend to attend this twice per year. However, the final say will always depend on your dentist and your case. If you suffer from a certain dental problem, usually, it will take more than the usual.

To learn more of dental cleaning, call a dentist. This will truly help a lot especially to your body.

Perks of Removable Dental Braces

Perfect smile needs more than just stretching your cheeks from ear to ear. You need to have perfectly aligned jaw and straight teeth: the kind of qualities that most of us don’t have. Fortunately, you can correct your teeth through orthodontic treatments.

Orthodontics is a dental field that specialize in correcting abnormal bites. Bite problem is a condition in which your teeth and jaw don’t fit together. The person that specializes in restoring the perfect bite is orthodontist. One of the most in-demand therapies they offer is dental brace.


Dental braces come with different variations. Most people who consider this treatment can observe some attached brackets, wires and bands. All these are available on either fixed or removable braces. The goal of dental braces is to ensure your teeth are in place. It works a system where brackets, wires and bands work together to correct your bite by gradually shifting your teeth to its perfect places.

As outlined by  a 24 hour dentist in San Jose, there are two common types of dental braces. Although fixed braces carved a name in the industry, removable dental braces are making a name in this generation. Invisalign proves such fact. These dental aligners are unlike traditional dental braces wherein you don’t see visible brackets, only invisible clear plastics.

Removable dental braces offer countless perks to you.

Appearance seems to be the top benefit you can relish, considering that the materials used are invisible and are hardly noticeable to others. Even though most brace wearers love colors, there are those who like to remain less sleek and silent. They prefer settling with clear aligners.

Comfort is feasible when wearing removable dental braces. Unlike traditional dental braces, clear aligners usually come with smooth edges. Thus, it doesn’t promote cheek injury and irritation.

Convenience is where you can remove your braces with ease. You can do that with removable dental braces. Removable braces promote easiness. Those who wear these braces can easily remove them especially when eating or cleaning session to prevent cavities.

Dental braces, regardless of type, are beneficial. However, only your dentist can tell either you need to wear a fixed dental brace or a removable one.