Author Archives: alona

Negative Impacts of Halitosis

Bad Breath & You

We all know, waking up in the morning with a bad breath is natural. That’s why some starts their day through brushing their teeth prior eating. And as expected, bad breath goes away. But if your breath remains stink after brushing or flossing, this can be an indication of an underlying health problem.

Bad breath can be a trigger of certain dental problems such as tooth decay. This behavior can be an indication that you don’t take your oral care seriously because bad breath only occurs when your gums, teeth and tongue are swamped with too much oral bacteria.

Otherwise known as halitosis, bad breath remains curable and easy to handle especially with the help of a dentist. These are some of the basic remedies against it.

Brush and Floss – Make sure to brush and floss your teeth on daily basis. If you failed to, food particles might get stuck in between your teeth and on the tongue that can lead to bad breath. As what most dentists say, brush your teeth every morning and evening preferably after meal time and for at least two-three minutes. Tongue brushing also helps avoid bacteria that can cause stinky smell to your breath.

Mouthwash – This dental care product is very famous in eliminating bad breath. This sometimes is considered as substitute for flossing or brushing. No wonder it is considered as part of daily oral hygiene. However, be reminded that brushing your teeth still is the best solution for removing bacteria and averting bad breath. And when you find a local dentist, you may learn more other advanced treatments against it.

Avoid dry mouth – This is considered as xerostomia – a condition in which your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva that helps cleanse the dead cells on your tongue, gums and cheeks. This creates odors that can lead to a number of dental issues, like cavities.

Avoid smoking – This bad oral habit often times exists alongside with dry mouth and is very common to heavy smokers. Besides causing bad breath, smoking damages your teeth and gums. This can invite a ton of dental difficulties that require invasive treatments. Smoking can lead to gum disorders and oral cancer.

Consult with your dentist – Your dentist can detect any problem that may have caused by bad breath. They can provide you with different preventive care methods.

Following the proper oral hygiene is the most important part when taking care of your oral health. Make sure to brush your teeth and floss them. Avoid any sort of bad oral habits, like drinking and smoking. Update your dentist from time to time and ensure you abide with their recommendations especially when beating bad breath professionally.

Bad breath is seriously embarrassing. If you want to avoid this embarrassment, better follow what’s written above.

Foods for Senior Health

As we age, we start to experience a deficiency in a lot of vitamins and minerals in our bodies. Our cell turnover rate slows down and does a lot of things like metabolism and sometimes even heart rate. Our body basically slows down as it starts to lose and unable upkeep the nutrients that’s required function at a peak. However, with our lifestyle and diet it can affect the outcomes. So we need make sure that elderly people such as our parents are eating all the right thing.

For elderly people also called as ‘seniors’, maintaining a healthy diet is really important as it reduce the risk of getting an illness and it boost energy levels. However, it can be challenging due to decreased mobility, limiting access to grocery stores and just overall decrease in appetite that associated with aging. An easy way to implement healthy eating is a plate method. Half of your plate should be based on seasonal of fruits and vegetables— the other half, one quarter whole grains and finally the last one, quarter either lean meats or plant-based proteins such as beans.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle for elderly people, recommendations are below:

  • Carrots – they are rich in vitamin A – a particular vitamin that can help fight mental disorder, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Sweet potato – filled with nutrients and a sweet flavor, and one of the most in-demand and healthful vegetables for good senior nutrition. Naturally, they help control disease, preventing several sorts of cancer, fighting and immune boosting benefits. Sweet potatoes also are good sources nutrients against anti-inflammatory, vitamins R and C, making them an excellent food choice for those with arthritis or asthma.
  • Spinach – the heart health equivalent of first-ballot. Spinach is replete with the essential minerals: potassium and magnesium and it’s one of the top sources of lutein, an antioxidant that may help clogged arteries. It has also been proven that spinach improve blood flow.
  • Eggs – with only 75 calories per serving, eggs contain essential 13 minerals including vitamin D.
  • Apples – they provide potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin C.  Apples are wonderful fruits for those who have issues with their blood sugar levels or who have high cholesterol. The soluble fiber they contain can help minimize cholesterol and slow the uptake of glucose.

Senior citizens have specific nutrient needs as human physiology changes as we age. Their foods should contain astonishing levels of vitamins and minerals that helps to nourish their bodies and fight disease and illness. Nonetheless, eating a certain type of food won’t help you cure diseases, like dementia, but a healthy diet provided by emergency dentist 24 hour can give you an edge against preventing it.

Seniors should remain cautious with their eating habits and their lifestyle. They may start with eating healthy foods and drinks.

Periodontitis: Risks & Precautions to Learn

What is gum disease? Gum disease also known as periodontitis, is a chronic gum infection that damages the soft and hard tissues surrounding teeth. This begins with the bacterial growth in your mouth, if left without treatment; it can destroy the bone, and even result in tooth loss. The common early signs of a possible gum disease are swollen and bleeding gum. Gum disease is largely preventable, so it is much recommended to get them treated before it gets worse. Brushing and flossing your teeth once a day and regular dental visits can treat it in no time or even reduce the risk of developing it. What are the signs and symptoms of gum disease? What causes gum disease? When to see a dentist? Read below:

  • Signs and Symptoms – when we say healthy gums, it means having a firm, pale-looking around your teeth. Swollen, bleeding, or even that may seem to be pulling away from your teeth are some signs of an unhealthy gum.
  • Purplish gums
  • Gums bleeding easily during or after brushing and flossing
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Loose of shifting teeth or loss of teeth
  • Swollen
  • New spaces between your teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Painful chewing
  • Causes of gum disease
  • Plaque – in most cases, gum disease start with plaque. It forms on your teeth when debris of the food you eat is found in your mouth.  Brushing and flossing your teeth helps remove the plaque but must seek dental help immediately because it reforms quickly. Plaque hardens under your gum line and can develop into tartar which is a lot more difficult to remove if it stays on your teeth.
  • Hormonal changes – those who experience puberty, monthly menstruation or pregnancy are most likely to have sensitive gums and make it easier for gingivitis to develop.
  • Drugs – some medicines can affect your oral health. Medicinal drugs such as Dilantin can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue.
  • Bad habits – drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, eating too much colored and sugary foods makes it harder for the gum tissue to repair itself.
  • Poor oral hygiene – neglecting your oral routine such as brushing and flossing your teeth will put your gums at risk and may develop gingivitis.

Now, when to find a good dentist? Follow your chosen dentist’s schedule for regular dental checkups. Keep in mind that it is way better to make an appointment as early as you can to prevent the development of periodontal disease because preventing it is always better than cure. The sooner, the better.

Fruitarian: Fruit Diet Regimen

Obesity is one of most challenging health problems around the world. To free yourself from it must truly be rewarding. After all, being physically fit doesn’t just solely mean losing weight. Being physically fit can influence your self-confidence and improve your health.

One of the common diet practices that can help fight obesity is fruit diet.

Fruit diet solely focuses on eating fruits and fruits alone. It’s an opposite way of eating to vegan. This means you consume no animal products, like dairy and must adhere to no-veggies consumption policy. Majority of those who exercise fruit diet eats raw fruits.

Fruits are very nutritious to your body and health. Most of these food types are rich in fiber that can help lower your cholesterol and regulate your bowel movement. Regular bowel movement means proper digestion that can definitely affect positively your unwanted weight. Apple and berries are among those with high in dietary fiber. This can alleviate the risks of heart disease and diabetes. Fruits like oranges and bananas also have vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C can help improve and boost your oral health. It keeps your teeth, gums and oral health healthy! The natural potassium in bananas can also help reduce your high blood pressure and regulates the fluid in your body.

If you plan on keeping this fruit diet a lifestyle, there are a lot of things you need to understand and that includes preparing your body for full adjustment. There are also categories you may choose for your fruit diet. You can be one of those who prefer eating hand-picked fruits. You can also be among those who prefer not to eat fruits with seeds.

Although fruit diet is as promising as it sounds, it’s always beneficial to get a go signal from your doctor. Remember that any kinds of diet have risks and complications. Unbalanced fruit diet may lead to malnourishment. Hence, let your doctor know your intentions to make this diet practice work. You’ll never know your doctor himself can give you other options in lowering your weight and toning your body. Doctors and fitness experts can surely help you you’re your metabolism without resorting to starvation and deprival of energy.

Many weight loss programs can be offered by your personal physician. So if your doctor thinks that fruit diet is bad news because of an existing health problem, like diabetes, perhaps you need to resort in vegan diets. Do not forget that diets are supposed to help you out – not to complicate things which are related to your health.

Your doctor or any free dentist San Jose CA may also recommend you with the best fitness expert. With an expert beside you, certainly you’ll get used to this diet regimen.

Heated Arguments of Heat Stroke

The Exhaustion caused by heat stroke

What is heat stroke? Heatstroke or commonly known as “stroke” happens when your body’s been exposed to excessive heat and lack of water for hydration. Heat stroke is known to be the severe health condition among the three heat-related syndromes (heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke). It is considered as a serious health condition form of heat that increases your body temperate and if not treated, it can be fatal and can lead to a deadly result. Anyone could get heat stroke even kids, as well as animals. A person doesn’t have to be out in the sun to experience heat stroke. When your body is in a high core temperature, it damages your internal organs, especially the brain. What are the signs and symptoms, and causes of a heat stroke? Read below and click resources:

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Dizziness
  • Throbbing Headache
  • Confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness


  • High body temperature – an individual’s body heat along with the environmental heat is what we call core (body) temperature.
  • Dehydration – lacks and/or loss of too much fluid from the body.

Before heat stroke, a person may experience heat exhaustion. This heat illness may include heavy sweating, and a rapid pulse which results to a body overheating, but unlike heat stroke, heat exhaustion can be prevented. To prevent this from happening, a person must stay hydrated and maintain a cool body temperature. Overdressing can lead to this health risk as well. Our body cools itself by sweating. The evaporation of our sweat regulates our body temperature, if a person overdressed himself, it will make it harder for the sweat to evaporate easily.

More prevention:

  • Do not leave or stay in a parked car – this will increase the chances of overheating even if a person is not out in the sun because the temperature inside the car can rise 20 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 15 minutes.
  • Precautions and medications – take extra precautions and medications that can affect the body’s ability to stay hydrated and dissipate heat.
  • Slowly get acclimated – if you are not used to hot weather, you must limit yourself from working and/or exercising in heat because people who are not used to it are mostly prone to heat-related illness.
  • Visit your doctor – trust your guts. If you feel like your heat-related condition is not getting better or if it’s getting worse within one hour, seek immediate medical attention to professionals.

If you’re suffering or if you know someone who’s experiencing this health risk, take immediate action to cool the overheated body while waiting for the emergency treatment. Keep in mind that if heat stroke is not treated as soon as possible and the longer is it left, the more serious it can become.

Imperative Details of Oral Health

Practicing good dental health is important to maintaining a healthy mouth, teeth and gums. Preserving your teeth isn’t only regarding looking good. Poor dental hygiene can induce a lot of triggers and oral complications that are way more serious than having poor smile. Cavities and gum-related disorders and conditions may impact various other aspect of your physical body, including your heart. Good practice of oral hygiene equates to healthiness overall. Dental problems like cavities and caries or even periodontal disorders can easily weaken your capacity to consume and talk properly. To prevent any of these risks, start practicing proper hygiene, such as daily brushing, dental flossing, balanced diet and regular dental visits.

Brushing and Flossing – Brushing and flossing are both important dental care products for your oral health. Both should be done together. Brush your mouth at least two times a day. Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush for at least twice a day. Do this in a vertical stroke and make sure to start with the same tooth-upper left and then at the back. Flossing is running a piece of yarn along the surface of the tooth while applying the pressure towards one particular tooth. Using some types of dental floss may contribute to elevated levels of toxic chemicals in the body which can lead to numerous health problems, a study claims. Flossing is a gentle technique-do not floss with force and do no cut the gums.

Balanced diet – The impact of your diet on your teeth is dependent upon the frequency of acidic and sugary snacks more than the quantity. If you are a sweet tooth person, at least rinse your mouth after eating sweets. Overall health and oral health are connected to one another. And no matter how much efforts made to maintain them on track, the importance of these two is often undermined. Eat meals that are full of nutrients and limit unbalanced snacks. Avoid foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as candy and chips. If sticky foods are eaten, brush your teeth soon afterwards.

Regular dental checkups – A San Jose California emergency dentist is considered a necessity especially in maintaining oral hygiene and overall good health. It is good that you are cooperative with your dental hygienist. Professional dental cleaning removes dental plaques, stain and calculus (tartar). Regular dental care is associated with good oral health.

Keep in mind that your oral hygiene maintenance involves prevention, treatment and over all maintenance of your teeth and gums. Visiting your dentist twice a year helps you achieving this.

Malnutrition: Cause & Prevention

If there’s one typical health concern existing for years, affecting countless individuals of all ages – it’s malnutrition.

Malnutrition is a well-known condition that exists due to overconsumption or nutrient deficiency. The number one cause of this matter is food insecurity – a terminology used for a person who is deprived of access towards sufficient and affordable nutritious foods. Malnutrition takes place due to digestive problems as well. This is in relation to issues of nutrient absorption or malabsorption wherein the digestive system of the person refuses to absorb nutrients from their diets, such as minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. There is an underlying problem when it comes to malabsorption, like lactose intolerance and celiac disease.

Other common reasons of malnutrition are excessive alcohol consumption, poor mobility and lacking muscle strength due to inability to obtain foods and mental health disorder. Yes, mental illness, such as depression and anxiety are contributing factors of malnutrition. Statistics proved depression increases the risks of malnutrition by 4%.

There are actually two common types of malnutrition. First is the undernutrition. This is a result of not getting enough nutrients and proteins which can lead to wasting for low weight-for-height, stunting for height-for-age and underweight for weight-for-age individuals. People who are undernourished usually lack vitamins and minerals, like iron. The second type of malnutrition is overnutrition. This talks about consuming too much nutrients, calories or fat which can result in unwanted weight gain or obesity. Over nourished individuals often suffer from micronutrient deficiencies.

You can click over here now if you experience the following signs and symptoms. For undernutrition, the common signs are sudden weight loss, loss of muscle mass and fat and swollen stomach. Also, delayed wound healing, dry skin and hair, over-fatigue, irritability and depression. Kwashiorkor, a severe protein deficiency, is another signature effect of undernutrition. This leads to fluid retention and abdominal distension.

As for overnutrition, the main signs involve overweight and obesity. Obese people are poor in adequate intakes of certain minerals and vitamins.

Fortunately, there are different preventive measures and treatments for malnutrition cases. The most effective and widely-used treatment is providing enough iron and zinc level and other food supplements to those who are at risk from it. Healthcare specialists even suggest nutrition education to concerned patients as this helps educates them about malnutrition and its corresponding risks. Interventions may also involve in preventing malnutrition. This encourages children and adults about healthy diet and food choices and physical activities. A personal diet may be suggested that involves a variety of foods, containing carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

These are some of the highlights that can help address malnutrition. When you speak with a professional doctor, you can learn a lot more.

Frequent Issues of the Heart

There are many different types of heart issues or diseases that has affected some parts of the organ, as per emergency dental San Jose CA. The different types of heart issues are as follows: Congenital, Coronary artery disease or CAD, Silent ischemia, Myocardial infarction, Arrhythmia, Heart failure, Heart defects, and Peripheral arterial disease.

  1. Congenital heart disease – is a problem in the structure of the heart and a condition that is present from birth. This kind of birth defect in the heart could be due to a combination of genes or genetic disorder and other factors that includes the overall medical condition from an expecting mother. 
  2. Coronary artery disease or CAD – to put it simply, it is a disease that affects the arteries of the heart. This condition occurs when an individual’s muscles of heart does not have or get enough blood and oxygen which is required for its proper functioning. People who experience this type of heart issue are the ones who might end up in serious death.
  3. Silent ischemia – this refers to lack of blood flow and oxygen to the heart. It’s the general term given to a specific heart problem caused by narrowed heart arteries. Yes, it’s a form of CAD, wherein its blood flow will be reduced to coronary artery, which produces little discomfort or symptoms.
  4. Myocardial infarction – also known or commonly known as heart attack, cardiac infarction, and coronary thrombosis. This occurs when an interrupted blood flow destroys part of the heart muscle or the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen. People who suffer from this may occasionally feel discomfort like heartburn, but some symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, cold sweat, and feeling tired or feeling faint.
  5. Arrhythmia – technically means that the heart does not beat in the systematic way. This occurs when your heart beats too fast, too slow or during irregular rhythm. It’s the disturbance in the rate or rhythm of cardiac contractions; extra, fast or slow beats. Our heart has a unique ability to generate electrical impulses in all of its cells. The common symptoms of this condition are a sense of skipping, fluttering, weakness, and shortness of breath.
  6. Heart failure – also known as congestive heart failure. This type of heart issue or disease happens when your heart muscle is not pumping enough blood around the body efficiently.
  7. Heart defects – is a heart issues or disease that partly and completely blocks the flow of your blood.
  8. Peripheral arterial disease – also known as Peripheral Artery Disease. This is a commonly similar to Coronary Artery Disease or CAD — a disease that mostly affects adults who are at the age of 40. People who suffer from this do not receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand. Its common symptom is leg and foot pain when walking.

The certain type heart disease like congenital cannot be prevented. However, other types can be prevented by eating balance diet, performing exercise regularly, and maintaining a healthy body weight. If you mostly likely smoke tobacco or cigarettes, then try your very best to stop, and refraining from alcoholic beverages.

The Health Risks of Hypoxemia

The amount of air we acquire in the body is very vital. It helps us breathe normally and avoids any chest pain. However, there are instances that our body, specifically the arteries, doesn’t receive ample level of oxygen due to some reasons, like poor lifestyle. This hampers normal breathing and circulation and triggers breathing problem. When the arteries are in a below-normal oxygen level, it induces hypoxemia.

Hypoxemia isn’t a very well-known term and can only be learned once your body is diagnosed of not having enough oxygen in the blood. Your personal doctor in San Jose CA dental center will have to measure the oxygen level of blood should you experience frequent shortness of breath and chest pain. The blood sample is taken from your arterial blood gas or artery and will be brought to the lab. Hypoxemia also can be diagnosed thru a pulse oximeter. This is a small device that is clipped to your finger in order to measure or estimate the oxygen saturation of the blood.

According to research, the normal oxygen level of the blood is approximately 75-100 mm Hg or millimeters of mercury. Measurements under 75 means your blood doesn’t have ample level of oxygen. Contrary, pulse oximeter indicates 95-100 percent result for normal arterial oxygen. Values below 95 are deemed unhealthy and low.

Now if you are diagnosed with this condition, you are recommended to consider the following factors in order to sustain the supply of oxygen in the body. First is to find a place where you can breathe or acquire enough air. This is considered as an environmental factor. Second is to ensure your lungs inhale ample air filled with oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Third is making sure that the bloodstream gets proper circulation to your lungs. This helps you take enough oxygen and pass it all throughout the body.

However, these factors don’t work on certain individuals particularly those with asthma and heart disease. No wonder they are prone to hypoxemia.

When the blood oxygen drops, you need to seek emergency care; most especially if the breathing problem comes with severe headache and affects your capability to function. Another worse case of hypoxemia is experiencing shortness of breath with serious cough, increased heartbeat and water retention. Suffering from fluid retention is very critical as it means fluid leaking from blood vessels to the lungs.

Similar with other health conditions, hypoxemia and shortness of breath can be prevented. Exercise healthy lifestyle and quit excessive smoking. Cigarette smoking blocks healthy air from lungs and lowers blood oxygen level. This bad oral habit is one of the common reasons of getting hypoxemia and lung cancer. Furthermore, regular exercise improves your health, too. Although this can be a challenge as it causes trouble breathing, still, this can promote overall strength.

Doctors highly recommend that you visit them once in a while even though you have no health issues. They can help you improve health and prevent any types of health problems.

Getting Rid of Obesity

Obesity is a very complicated and common disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat. In short, it’s a complication more than just a cosmetic concern. It increases your risk of other diseases and health problems, such as cardiovascular disorder, diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancer-related issues. The good news is a variety of treatment options are given in order to combat this infamous disease. Let’s start with balanced diet and weight loss program. To lose weight, you need to incorporate dietary changes, increased physical activity and behavior changes.

For most people, they use the Body Mass Index otherwise known as BMI in determining the amount of fats in the body. However, BMI doesn’t directly measures body fat. This is the reason why some people, like athletes, have a BMI in the obesity category although they sure have zero excess on body fat.

Although it can be genetic, behavioral, metabolic or hormonal on body weight, obesity can happen when your body consumes more calories than you burn them through physical exercise and balanced diet. The stored calories turn into fats. As stated above, obesity tends to run in families or so called as inheritance. Aside from sharing the same genes, obesity happens in a family when they do the same way of eating and activity habits.

This speaks volume on lifestyle choices and obesity.

  • Unhealthy diet can lead to obesity as it involves high intake of calories, lacking of fruits and vegetables and other nutritious meals. Individuals who engage with this regimen are packed of fatty foods, sugary or carbonated drinks beverages, resulting to weight gain.
  • Liquid calorie intake is when people drink tons of calorie-rich beverages without feeling full; for example, alcoholic beverages. Other high calories beverages, such as sugared soft drinks, can contribute to significant weight gain.
  • Inactivity means practicing a sedentary lifestyle. Your body takes easily in more calories every day than burn them through proper exercise and other physical activities. For example is spending most of your time in your computer, tablet and phone screens. The number of hours you spend contributes to an increased possibility of weight gain.

There are medications provided by your San Jose California dentist that also can lead to weight gain especially if you don’t go through diet or activity. Some examples are medications for anti-seizure, antidepressants, antipsychotic, diabetes, steroids and beta blockers.

Know that obesity can also diminish your overall health and quality of life. This hampers you from doing the things you used to do, like hobbies, sports and the likes. As a result, you may start avoiding public places due to embarrassment. Other weight-related issues that can influence your health and body are:

  • Social isolation
  • Depression
  • Disability
  • Sexual-related problems
  • Guilt and shame
  • Poor performance at school or work

It is really vital that you start considering your health at the very young age. After all, you yourself can reap the benefits in the long run.